White Blossom
- ₹649.99
- ₹549.99
White Blossom is a rare and exotic silver needle white tea that has been awarded the coveted 'Golden Cup' by the Tea Growers Association of India. It is a very rare variety that only grows at a very high altitude. It is picked in July and the leaves are processed immediately after. Its leaves have a greenish-yellowish color with a beautiful silver thread running through them.
The tea has a delicate, fruity taste with a hint of hint of flowery aroma. In addition to its excellent taste, this tea is also known to have a lot of health benefits. Its regular consumption is known to boost the immune system and improve the functioning of the digestive system.With exotic floral, soft, and fruity taste and fragrance, this tea coats your mouth with a plethora of well-combined flavors. We assure you that this tea once tasted, wins a permanent spot in your tea collection.